Scientific events

CAALM 2025 will take place at LIPN (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord) June 2-6, 2025. CAALM stands for Complexity, Algorithms, Automata and Logic Meet, and aims at bringing together the specialists of these different communities. The scientific committee is comprised of S. Akshay (IIT Bombay), Meena Mahajan (IMSc), Tatiana Starikovskaya (DI, ENS Paris), Pascal Weil (ReLaX and LIPN).

A Winter School on the Schmidt Subspace Theorem will take place at IMSc, December 15 to 30, 2024, with partial involvement of ReLaX. The main organizer is Purusottam Rath (CMI) with contributions from Sinnou David (ReLaX).

Sinnou David taught several semester-long courses in arithmetic geometry at IMSc and CMI: on Abelian varieties, August-December 2023; on the arithmetic of elliptic curves, August-December 2024; on the Galois properties of torsion points, January-April 2025.

SageDays #126 took place at IMSc, August 31 to September 2, 2024, with partial involvement of ReLaX. The main organizers were Amritanshu Prasad (IMSc) and S. Viswanath (IMSc). There were about 60 participants from all over India. The focus was mostly on the use of Sage to solve research problems, notably in combinatorics, representation theory, number theory and algebraic geometry. This is the 5th SageDays to take place in India (2010, 2014, 2022, 2023).

Patrick Polo has been giving a series of lectures at CMI in geometry, on themes from Grothendieck’s SGA3. The first set of lectures was given in August 2023, the second set in January 2024, and the third set in August 2024. When completed, the corresponding lecture notes will be published.

A mini-course on Applied topology and complex networks was organized at CMI, February 2 to 11, 2024, with partial support from ReLaX. The main organizers were Priyavrat Deshpande and Siddarth Pritam (CMI). Esteban Bautista (LISIC) was one of the main speakers.

SageDays #122 took place at CMI, September 7-10, 2023. The organizing committee was coordinated by Aditya Karnataki (CMI). About 50 participants from all over India registered for the event. This is the 4th SageDays to take place in India (2010, 2014, 2022).

The 6th edition of the ACTS workshop (Automata, Concurrency and Timed Systems) — following the 2009, 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2017 editions in Chennai,  took place outside India, in the new buildings of LMF, at ENS Paris-Saclay, May 30 to June 3, 2023. It was organized by C. Aiswarya (CMI), S. Akshay (IIT Bombay), Dietmar Berwanger (LMF), Benedikt Bollig (LMF) and Patricia Bouyer (LMF). It attracted about 50 participants around a program of 15 plenary lectures by researchers from India (IIT Bombay, CMI, IMSc), France (Bordeaux, Rennes, Paris, Marseille), Germany (Saarbrücken, Stuttgart, Munich), Belgium (Mons, Bruxelles). The workshop included a special session in honor of Paul Gastin (LMF).

Sage Days (#114) took place at IMSc, July 25-27, 2022, organized by Amritanshu Prasad and S. Viswanath, with the participation of ReLaX. This was a satellite event of FPSAC 2022 (Bangalore), itself a satellite conference of the 2022 ICM. Following the Sage Days at IMSc, a Sage Club ran at CMI throughout the month of August 2022, organized by Julian Rüth and Samuel Lelièvre.

GCT 2022, a workshop and a conference on Geometric Complexity theory, was held online at CMI January 17-22, 2022 (workshop) and January 24-28, 2022 (conference). These were preceded by an online series of expository lectures covering algebraic complexity, algebraic geometry, algebraic groups, representation theory and optimization theory which arise in GCT (every Tuesday and Friday from August 24 to December 17, 2021). The organizers are Thomas Seiller (CNRS, LIPN), K.V. Subrahmanyam (CMI, India).  Full details on schedule and lectures here.

The ReLaX workshop on Games took place online on February 1-4, 2021. It was initially to take place at CMI March 16 to 19, 2020, and had to be postponed. The main organizers are Hugo Gimbert (LaBRI), B. Srivathsan (CMI) and R. Ramanujam (IMSc). More information on the workshop’s website.

FSTTCS 2020 took place on-line December 14-18. It was co-chaired by Nitin Saxena (IIT Kanpur) and Sunil Simon (IIT Kanpur). Of interest also the following satellite events: Strategies for Uncertainty, co-organized by Dietmar Berwanger (LSV) and R Ramanujam (IMSc); Advances in Verification, co-organized by Prakash Saivasan (IMSc) and B Srivathsan (CMI).

FSTTCS 2019 took place at IIT Bombay in December 2019, co-chaired by Paul Gastin and Arkadev Chattopadhyay.

CAALM@ReLaX, Complexity, algorithms, automata and logic meet at ReLaX, took place at CMI, January 21 to 25, 2019. Scientific committee: Paul Gastin, Meena Mahajan, Alessia Milani, B. Srivathsan. The program brought together the formal methods, the algorithms and the complexity communities, with speakers from France and India, but also Germany, Hong Kong, Israel, Italy, Poland, Singapore and the UK. The workshop attracted over 50 researchers from India, 30 from other countries and over 50 students. See the workshop’s website for details.

AURA 2018 took place at ReLaX, October 29 to 31 2018. This is a yearly meeting of the CNRS UMIs in Asia, in the fields of engineering and information sciences.

During his stay at ReLaX (September 2017 to August 2018), Sinnou David organized a special course on diophantine geometry, a reading group seminar and a short series of lectures on the proof by Faltings of the Tate and Shafarevich conjectures. More…

The 5th ACTS workshop (Automata, Concurrency and Timed Systems) took place at CMI, January 30-February 3, 2017.