September 2024 to August 2025, Youssouf Oualhadj. Youssouf Oualhadj, a senior lecturer in the computer science department, Université Paris-Est Créteil Val de Marne, and a member of the Specification, Verification and Systems team at LACL, received a one-year posting to ReLaX. He is a specialist of algorithmic game theory and its application to verification and synthesis.
September 2023 to August 2025, Sinnou David is posted at ReLaX.
January 2023 to July 2023, Sinnou David is on a long-term visit at ReLaX.
September 2021 to August 2022, Sinnou David is posted at ReLaX.
September 2021 to September 2024, Pascal Weil. Pascal Weil is a senior researcher (DR) at CNRS. He is based at LaBRI in Bordeaux and works mainly in two fields: automata theory, logic and algebraic methods to handle languages of discrete structures such as those arising from computer science (words, trees, traces); and algorithmic problems in algebra, especially infinite group theory. Initially planned for the month of August 2020, this posting had to be postponed because of the CoViD-19 pandemic.
Six months during academic year 2020-2021, Benjamin Monmège. Benjamin Monmège is associate professor (maître de conférence) at Aix-Marseille Université, and a member of the LIS (Laboratoire d’Informatique et Systèmes). He works on formal methods for the verification and synthesis of software, with a special interest in the quantitative aspects of formal languages and automata theory, game theory, and grammatical inference. This posting was canceled due to the CoVid-19 pandemic…
January 2020 to July 2020, Sinnou David is on a long-term visit at ReLaX.
January 2019 to July 2019, Sinnou David is on a long-term visit at ReLaX.
January 2018 to June 2018, Hans van Ditmarsch. Hans van Ditmarsch has been a senior researcher (DR) at CNRS since 2012. He is based at LORIA in Nancy, where he heads the research team CELLO (Computational Epistemic Logic in LOrraine), and where he executed an ERC (European Research Council) starting grant Epistemic Protocol Synthesis. He has been associated to IMSc since 2010. During his stay at RELAX he worked on concurrency and simultaneity in dynamic epistemic logic, in collaboration with members of IMSc and CMI. More…
September 2017 to August 2018, Sinnou David. Sinnou David has taught mathematics at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris (UPMC) since 1989, and has been a professor of that University since 2006. He is a member of the IMJ-PRG in Paris, of which he was deputy director, before he became deputy scientific director of INSMI CNRS, in charge of international affairs. He has been associated with IMSc since the early 80’s and to CMI since its foundation. During his stay at ReLaX, this specialist of diophantine geometry taught specialized courses, organize a regular reading group seminar, and guided several students. More about Sinnou… More about his activities at ReLaX…