Rajdeep Ghosh (CMI), with Léo Poyeton (IMB).
Shrimadhi Srikanth (CMI), with Jérémy Toulisse (LJD). Prise en charge partielle des frais par le LJD. In September 2024, she joins the ALGANT M.Sc. program, for one year in Regensburg followed by another year in Padova.
Rishav Gupta (CMI), with Yassine Hamoudi and Adrian Tanasa (LaBRI).
Gautham Viswanathan (CMI), with Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz (LaBRI).
Shubh Sharma (CMI), with Thomas Chatain (LMF).
Soumil Baksi (CMI), with Alessia Milani (LIS). Prise en charge partielle des frais par le LIS. In 2024, he joined the Computer Science M.Sc. program at CMI.
May 14 to Jul. 24, 2024. Srijan Chakraborty (CMI) had an internship at LORIA with Vincent Despré and Marc Pouget (LORIA), during which he worked on a Bowyer-Watson algorithm for Delaunay triangulations on hyperbolic surfaces. In 2024, he joined the Computer Science M.Sc. program at CMI.
Aditya Muthkhod (CMI), with Mathilde Bouvel (LORIA). Prise en charge partielle des frais par le LORIA.
Ankit Gayen (CMI), with Florent Foucaud (LIMOS). Prise en charge partielle des frais par le LIMOS. In 2024, he joined the Computer Science M.Sc. program at ENS Lyon.
Aryan Kusre (CMI), with Fulvio Gesmundo (IMT). In 2024, he joined the Computer Science M.Sc. program at CMI.
May 15 to July 15, 2024. Shreyas Jain (IISER Mohali) had an internship at LMF, under the supervision of Serge Haddad, Lina Ye and Gaspard Fougea. He worked on. In September 2024, he joined a PhD program in France.
May to July 2024. Alok Dubey (CMI) had an internship at IFP, the French Institute in Pondicherry. He worked with Ramesh Kumar on a prototype of ML-driven interrogation of the digitalized collection of heritage photographs of IFP.
May 11 to July 22, 2024. Romit Roy Chowdhury (CMI) had an internship with Patrick Baillot (CRIStAL). He worked on the semantic of programming languages, and more specifically on pi-calculus and implicit complexity. In 2024, he joined the Computer Science M.Sc. program at CMI.
May 12 to July 13, 2024. Manas Goyal (IIT Delhi) had an internship at LMF, under the supervision of Serge Haddad and Lina Ye. He worked on a new property of infinite Markov chains related to the possibility of computing the probability of approximate reachability, and he successfully integrated this algorithm in Cosmos, a sophisticated probabilistic safety tool.
May 12 to July 13, 2024. Utkarsh Pant (IIT Mumbai) had an internship at LMF, under the supervision of Alain Finkel and Gustave Cortal. The topic of the internship was to use LLMs to help in formal verification, eg in identifying inductive invariants.
Mid-May to mid-July, 2023. Prerak Contractor (IIT Bombay) had an intership in Sumo (Inria and IRISA) under the supervision of Loïc Hélouët. He worked on symbolic domains and reachability problems for nets with trajectories.
May 12 to July 28, 2023. Arunava Gantait (CMI) had an internship in Deducteam (Inria and LMF) under the supervision of Frédéric Blanqui. He worked on translating proofs from the proof assistant PVS to the Lambdapi logical framework. In September 2024, he joined Ecole Polytechnique for a PhD in computer science.
May 15 to July 28, 2023. Nabin Sahoo (CMI) had an internship in Deducteam (Inria and LMF) under the supervision of Frédéric Blanqui. He worked on translating proofs in the Alethe format used by veriT and cvc5 to the Lambdapi logical framework. In 2024, he joined IST Austria for a PhD in computer science.
May 10 to July 21, 2023. Jessica Vipin (CMI) had an internship at LMF under the supervision of Thomas Nowak and Matthias Fuegger. She worked on an AI/microscopy pipeline for single-cell tracking. Jessica joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Computer Science at CMI.
May 15 to July 13, 2023. Writika Sarkar (CMI) had an internship at IRIF under the supervision of Matthieu Josuat-Vergès. She worked on algebraic combinatorics, more specifically on the combinatorics of parking functions and of cluster complexes. She investigated various properties of new objects related with both parking functions and clusters. Writika joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Computer Science at CMI.
May 15 to July 17, 2023. Naman Kumar (CMI) had an internship at IRIF under the supervision of Geoffroy Couteau. He worked on secure multiparty with sublinear communication, where he managed to improve the state of the art, achieving n-party secure computation with sublinear communication for n in {3,10} from standard assumptions that were not previously known to imply it. These results will be submitted to a conference. In 2023, Naman joined the PhD program at Oregon State University, under the supervision of Mike Rosulek.
May 15 to July 13, 2023. Aryan Agarwala (CMI) had an internship at IRIF under the supervision of Valia Mitsou. He worked on knowledge comilation, a method used in order to cope with intractability in various artificial intelligence problems. Aryan explored the approximability of knowledge compilation of structures CNF formulas. In 2023, Aryan joined the integrated Ph.D. program at the Max Planck Institut.
May 9 to July 28, 2023. Shrinidhi T.S. (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI under the joint supervision of Yvan Le Borgne and Adrian Tanasa. He worked on classical or quantum walks on graphs. In 2024, he joins the PhD program at LaBRI, under the supervision of Adrian Tanasa and Yassine Hamoudi
May 15 to July 26, 2023. Rohit Roy (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Jean-François Marckert. He worked on some open combinatorial questions relative to directed animals, which is the name given to the percolation clusters in directed percolation models. Rohit joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Data Science at CMI.
May 15 to July 28, 2023. Niranjan Kumar (CMI) had an internship at CRIStAL under the supervision of Charles Paperman. He worked on a finite-model theoretic approach to circuits lower-bounds. Niranjan joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Mathematics at CMI.
May 8 to July 28, 2023. Pranav Ghorpade (CMI) had an internship in the SUMO team (Inria and IRISA) under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand and Ocan Sankur. He studied how the interval bounds impact the size of the state-space when analyzing distributed quasi-periodic systems. Pranav will join in 2024 the Ph.D. program in computer science at University of Sydney, under the supervision of Sasha Rubin.
May 10 to July 13, 2023. Hrishabh Mishra (CMI) had an internship at I2M under the supervision of Sary Drappeau. He worked on analytic number theory, and more specifically on an explicit formula in the shifted convolution problem, which he used to obtain a short interval version of the Titchmarsh’s divisor problem. Hrishabh joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Mathematics at CMI. In 2024, he joined the M.Sc. Fundamental Mathematics program at Université Paris-Cité for his M2.
May 25 to July 25, 2023. Hrishikesh Saikia (CMI) had an internship at LAMA under the supervision of Sébastien Tavenas. He worked on the problem of reconstruction of constant-depth algebraic circuits. During his internship, he tried to see how the recent reconstruction result for generalized depth-3 circuits could be used to obtain a depth-5 reconstruction. Hrishikesh joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Computer Science at CMI.
May 15 to July 31, 2023. Tejas Oke (CMI) had an internskip at Institut Fourier (Grenoble) under the supervision of Hugo Vanneuville. Tejas worked on planar percolation theory (where one studies connectivity properties of random planar graphs) and contributed to the derivation of new inequalities between the critical exponents that describe this model. Such inequalities imply interesting instability phenomena. In the fall of 2023, Tejas joined the Grenoble masters of probabilities (M2). He then joined in 2024 the PhD program in Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), to work with Tom Hutchcroft on percolation.
May to December 2023. Anuraj Kashyap, Shubashish Chauhan, Tyagi Mihir, all three Data Science M.Sc. students at CMI, had an internship at IFP, the French Institute in Pondicherry. The first two worked on the pollen collections with Doris Barboni, and the third intern worked with Ramesh Kumar on the collection of heritage photographs, both important assets of IFP.
May to July 2022. Nabin Sahoo (CMI) did an internship at IRISA under the supervision of Nicolas Markey, Thierry Jéron and Ocan Sankur on metric temporal logic formula learning algorithms based on decision trees. In September 2024, he joins IST Austria for a PhD in computer science.
May to July, 2022. Ranjan Utkarsh (IIT Bombay) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Nathanaël Fijalkow and Théo Matricon. He worked on the design of a programming language for building towers. More precisely, he experimented using the DeepSynth framework to generate code for building towers.
May to July, 2022. Arjun Renganathan (IISER Pune) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Marthe Bonamy and François Dross. He read and deeply understood a difficult 1995 40-page article, whose results could be used to prove an extension to non-planar graphs of Gallai’s conjecture. In 2022, Arjun joined the MSc program at IISER Pune.
May to July, 2022. Writika Sarkar (CMI) had an internship under the supervision of Arnaud Casteigts (LaBRI) and Timothée Corsini (LaBRI). She worked on reachability questions in temporal graphs, and in particular on characterizing the expressivity of various types of temporal graphs in terms of the transitive closure of their paths. Writika joined in 2023 the M.Sc. program in Computer Science at CMI.
May to July 2022. Niyati Mehta (IIT Bombay) did an internship with Loïc Helouet (IRISA) on the verification of concurrent models tailored for transport systems modeling.
May to July 2021. Pranay Agrawal (CMI) had an internship (online supervision) under the supervision of Loïc Helouet (IRISA). He studied a bounded subclass of Timed Petri nets with stopwatches for which reachability is decidable. This led to a publication at Petri Nets 2022, which received a Best Paper Award!
May to July, 2021. Amik Raj Behera (CMI) had an internship under the supervision of Géraud Sénizergues (LaBRI). He worked on term rewriting, specifically the termination problem for 1-rule semi-Thue systems. In 2022, Amik joined Aarhus University as a PhD student.
May to July 2021. Hrishikesh Balakrishnan (CMI) and Ananthu (CMI) had an internship under the supervision of Meenakshi D’Souza (IIIT Bangalore), Vincent Penelle (LABRI), and Sreejith A.V. (IIT Goa). They both worked on formal verification of adaptive control systems. More specifically they are trying to understand the control systems that use simple machine learning algorithms like Decision trees. In 2021, Ananthu (Anant Mudgal) joined the Master of Advanced Study in Pure Mathematics program at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. In 2021 as well, Hrishikesh (Hrishikesh Balakrishnan) joined the integrated Ph.D. program in computer science at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
May to July, 2021. Siddhant Chaudhary (CMI) had an internship under the joint supervision of Vincent Penelle (LaBRI) and Sreejith A.V. (IIT Goa). He worked on the concept of basis for an n-state DFA, and on the possibility of parallel learning of DFAs. In 2022, Siddhant joined the M.Sc Computer Science program at CMI. After his graduation in 2024, Siddhant joined the Laboratory for Computational Social Systems (LCS2) at IIT Delhi, led by Tanmoy Chakraborty, as a research assistant.
May to July, 2021. Dhruv Nevatia (CMI) had an internship at LIS, Aix-Marseille University, under the supervision of Benjamin Monmege (LIS). He worked (remotely) on the link between weighted first-order logic and aperiodic pebble weighted automata. After completing his MSc at CMI, Dhruv started a PhD in 2022 at the Institute of Information Security, ETH Zürich, under the supervision of David Basin.
May to July 2020. Srinidhi N. (CMI) had his M.Sc. internship at DI-ENS, under the supervision of Cezara Dragoi. He worked (remotely) on randomised testing of distributed algorithms. In August 2020, Srinidhi started a PhD in cotutelle between CMI and Université de Paris, under the supervision of Mandayam Srivas (CMI) and Constantin Enea (IRIF).
May to July 2020. Arghadeep Ghosh (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI, under the supervision of Anca Muscholl and Diego Figueira. He worked (remotely) on a new model for distributed stream processing and on distributed transducers. In 2023, he completed his M.Sc computer science at CMI and joined J.P. Morgan and Chase.
May to July, 2020. Akkapaka Saikiran (IITB) had a remote internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under the supervision of Alain Finkel, about the proof of the semi-linearity of projections of VAS Reachability sets. In 2022, Akkapaka joined the M.Sc program in computer science at ETH Zürich.
May to July, 2020. Dhruv Nevatia (CMI) had an internship at IRIF, Univ. Paris-Diderot, under the supervision of Thomas Colcombet and Daniela Petrisan. He worked (remotely) on an algebraic approach to the universal automaton of a language, viewed a the quotient of an appropriate algebra. After completing his MSc at CMI, Dhruv started a PhD in 2022 at the Institute of Information Security, ETH Zürich, under the supervision of David Basin.
May to July, 2020. Pranay Agrawal (CMI) had a remote internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under the supervision of Philippe Schnoebelen and Alain Finkel. He worked (remotely) on algorithmic and complexity questions regarding communicating automata, and especially on loop acceleration in channel systems. More precisely he worked about flat lossy fifo machines and complexity bounds for loop accelerations. In 2021, Pranay joined the MPRI masters program at ENS Paris-Saclay.
May to July, 2020. Nayan Akarsh (IIT Bombay) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Nathanaël Fijalkow and Guillaume Lagarde. He worked (remotely) on the construction of search algorithms for program synthesis. More precisely, he experimented using the DeepCoder framework to compare different algorithms and analyse their performances.
May to July, 2020. Hitarth Singh (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Nathanaël Fijalkow. He worked (remotely) on extending the framework of programming by example by introducing feedback loops. The goal of the internship is to evaluate the consequence of asking the user for more examples on the accuracy of the programs. Hitarth completed his MSc at CMI in 2021, and then joined HKUST as a PhD student, under the supervision of Amir Goharshady.
March to July, 2020. Akash Roy (CMI) had an internship with Sinnou David (IMJ-PRG) on the recent advances on the Schinzel-Zassenhauss conjecture. Initially, this internship was supposed to be held in person at CMI during S. David’s visit, but due to the pandemic, it is followed in “alternate mode” through phone and video-conferencing. Akash is pursuing a PhD at the University of Georgia.
Summer of 2019. Namrata (CMI) had an internship at LIP6 with Vincent Viallat Cohen-Addad. She joined Warwick University for a PhD in the fall of 2020 under the supervison of Torsten Mütze.
May 2019 to July 2019. Balasubramanian A.R. (CMI) had an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under the supervision of Philippe Schnoebelen and Sylvain Schmitz. He developed length-function theorems for the finite sets of d-dimensional vectors of natural numbers, considering both the Hoare and the Smyth orderings for powersets. He also characterized the maximal length of controlled non-dominating sequences in the 2-dimensional case. In September 2019, Balasubramanian joined the PhD program at TU München, under the supervision of Javier Esparza.
May 20 to July 27, 2019. Mohit Kumar Gupta (IIT Bombay) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Nathanaël Fijalkow. He worked on the verification of neural networks. More precisely, he experimented using GAN (generative adversarial networks) to produce large test sets, and the impact of this usage on the verification of image classifiers. The results of this internship will be posted on ArXiv, and will then be submitted to a machine learning conference.
May 20 to July 20, 2019. Ashwani Anand (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Jérôme Leroux and Nathanaël Fijalkow. He worked on Algorithms for solving games on graphs, using the newly introduced approach of separating automata. With his advisers, he showed that it yields conceptually simple and provably optimal algorithms for solving games with combination of winning objectives. This result will be posted on ArXiv, and will be submitted at a later stage. Ashwani joined the Max-Planck Institut in Kaiserslautern in 2021 for a PhD under Rupak Majumdar and Anne-Kathrin Schmuck.
May 14 to July 20, 2019. Satyaprakash Nayak (CMI) had an internship at LIS, Aix-Marseille University, under the supervision of Jean-Marc Talbot. He studied various classes of visibly pushdown automata in the perspective of minimization and canonization. He also worked on the relationship of these approaches with canonization algorithms for non-classical tree automata such as stepwise tree automata. In 2022 he joined the Max Planck Institut in Kaiserslautern for a PhD under Anne-Kathrin Schmuck.
May 10 to July 20, 2019. Ahad Mirza Baig (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Corentin Travers. The goal of this internship was twofold: 1/ designing concurrent data structures, such as counters and snapshot, with sublinear amortized complexity, pursuing he line of research initiated during Ahad’s previous stay at LaBRI (September 2018); 2/ designing new renaming algorithms for message passing system whose range of execution contexts lies between full synchrony and full asynchrony. For instance, one may aim for gracefully degrading algorithms, in which the range of new name is a function of the level of synchrony of the actual execution. Renaming has mainly been studied in the shared memory model. Little is known on renaming algorithms for message-passing systems, in which only the synchronous and the fully asynchronous (e.g., [ABD + 90]) models have been investigated. Ahad completed his M.Sc at CMI in 2019 and will start a PhD at IST Austria under the supervision of Dan Alistarh.
May 10 to July 20, 2019. Ekanshdeep Gupta (CMI) had an internship at LSV under the supervision of Alain Finkel. He worked on VASSs (vector addition systems with states). It is known that these systems are well-structured. Ekanshdeep worked on a characterization of the closely related well-structured counter machines. The results of this internship were presented as a regular paper at FSTTCS 2019 (The well structured problem for Presburger counter machines). In 2020, he joined the Courant Institute, NYU, for a PhD under Thomas Wies.
May 2 to July 11, 2019. Agnishom Chattopadhyay (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Anca Muscholl and Filip Mazowiecki. He worked on pumping lemmas for max-plus weighted automata, towards an extension of Mazowiecki’s and Riveros’s results presented at STACS 2018. The results of this internship will be submitted to a journal. In 2020, Agnishom joined the PhD program at Rice University (Houston, TX) and works with Konstantinos Mamouras.
March 10 to July 10, 2019. Amrita Suresh (B.E. from BITS Goa, MPRI in 2018-2019) had her M.Sc. internship at LSV under the supervision of Alain Finkel. She studied systems of communicating automata using FIFO channels: the model is undecidable in general, and few decidable subclasses have been identified. Amrita worked on well-structured FIFO channels automata. In October 2019, Amrita Suresh she started a PhD at ENS Paris-Saclay, University Paris-Saclay (LSV) under the supervision of Alain Finkel and Benedikt Bollig, on the verification of FIFO machines.
February 20 to June 30, 2019. Thejaswini K S (M.Sc at CMI) visited LSV to work with Paul Gastin and Stefan Schwoon (and C. Aiswarya during her visits at LSV) on the control problem for asynchronous automata. This is a fundamental problem which was already extensively studied during the last 20 years and which is still open despite some recent advances. So far, we only know that the problem is decidable for some important special cases and there are no cases for which the problem is known to be undecidable. During this internship, the work focused first on understanding and implementing existing techniques. Then, we generalized some of the results to all regular winning conditions, applying abstractions based on semigroups. This allows in particular to take fairness into account. Thejaswini went on to do a PhD (September 2019) at Warwick University, under the supervision of Marcin Jurdzinski.
September to December 2018. Ritam Raha (CMI) had his M.Sc internship at IRISA, under the joint supervision of Loïc Helouet and Nicolas Markey. He worked on quantitative aspects of opacity against an active opponent. In 2019, Ritam will start a PhD in cotutelle between Universiteit Antwerpen and Université de Bordeaux, under the joint direction of Guillermo Perez and Nathanaël Fijalkow (LaBRI). He graduated in August 2023.
September to December 2018. Ahad Mirza Baig (CMI) had his M.Sc internship at LaBRI under the supervision of Alessia Milani. He worked to design fault-tolerant and efficient algorithms to implement fundamental concurrent objects (such as counters). More… Ahad returned to LaBRI in May 2019 for an internship with Corentin Travers. He completed his M.Sc at CMI, and started a PhD in the fall of 2019 at IST Austria, in Krzysztof Pietrzak’s group.
May 28 to July 27, 2018. Rajarshi Roy (CMI) was an intern at LSV, under the joint supervision of Benedikt Bollig (LSV) and Arnaud Sangnier (IRIF). He studied learning algorithms for concurrent systems modeled as product automata. Rajarshi completed his MSc at CMI and will start a PhD in 2019 at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Kaiserslautern, under the direction of Daniel Neider.
May 22 to July 18 2018. Suman Sadhukhan (CMI) did an internship at LSV, ÉNS Paris-Saclay, under the joint supervision of Alain Finkel and Philippe Schnoebelen. He worked on Minimal Coverability Set Algorithms over Petri Nets. More… Suman started a Ph.D. at IRISA (SUMO team), Univ. Rennes, in October 2018, under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand, Nicolas Markey and Ocan Sankur. He defended his dissertation in December 2021, and joined University of Haifa as a post-doctoral fellow, to work with Guy Avni.
May 14 to July 13 2018. Sriram Yenamandra (IIT Bombay) had an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under the supervision of Laurent Doyen. He worked on graph-planning problems with expected finite horizon and fixed variance. More… In 2021, Sriram joined the MSc program at Georgia Tech. In 2024, he joined Stanford University for a PhD in the area of Robot learning.
May to July 2018. Adwait Godbole (IIT Bombay) did an internship at IRISA under the supervision of Blaise Genest and Nathalie Bertrand (funded by the EQUAVE associated team). He studied population control. More…
May 2018 to November 2018. Balasubramanian A.R. (CMI) had his MSc internship at LaBRI, under the supervision of Igor Walukiewicz and Frédéric Herbreteau. He worked on decidability of the consensus problem for the heard-of model of computation for distributed algorithms. He completed his MSc thesis in the Spring of 2019, and started a PhD thesis in cotutelle between TU München and Université de Bordeaux in September 2019 under the supervision of Javier Esparza and Igor Walukiewicz (LaBRI).
May 10 to July 16, 2018. Aditya Raut (CMI) had an internship at LIGM, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, under Laurent Bulteau‘s and Mathias Weller‘s supervision. He joined the ongoing research efforts on the Tree Containment Problem, that asks whether a given phylogenetic tree is contained in a given phylogenetic network. This NP-hard graph problem has important applications in phylogenetics. Aditya’s work yielded contributions to an ongoing software package capable of analyzing parameters in phylogenetic networks, as well as a draft for a research paper that will improve known results for the Cluster Containment Problem, which is closely related to Tree Containment. In 2019, Aditya joined the PhD program at Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh).
May 10 to June 30, 2018. Malavika Mukundan (CMI) had an internship at LIGM, Université Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée, under the joint supervision of Éric Colin de Verdière and Stéphane Sabourau (LAMA). She worked on the topology and the geometry of triangulated surfaces and 3-manifolds, and in particular on algorithmic and geometric problems related to systolic geometry. She also attended a one-week school on Low-dimensional geometry and topology: discrete and algorithmic aspects in Paris. More… In 2018, Malavika went on to prepare a PhD at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, where she works under Sarah Koch.
May 7 to July 20 2018. Suman Dutta (IISER Bhopal) did an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under the joint supervision of Alain Finkel and Serge Haddad. He worked on Sequential Recursive Petri Nets as WSTS. We studied Recursive Petri nets which extend Petri nets and contain stack automata. We showed that Recursive Petri nets are well structured transition systems for a new ordering and then termination and coverability are decidable. In 2019, Suman completed his M.Sc. at IISER Bhopal and joined IIM Lucknow for a PhD.
May 7 to July 7, 2018. Ashwani Anand (CMI) had an internship at IRIF, Université Paris Diderot, under the joint supervision of Thomas Colcombet (IRIF) and Sylvain Schmitz (LSV). He worked on vector addition systems with a polynomial restriction on the size of reachable configurations, as recently studied by Jérôme Leroux. He considered how the notion extends in the case of branching or affine systems, and obtained refined bounds on the achievable degrees of the polynomials. In 2019 he had another internship at LaBRI with Jérôme Leroux and Nathanaël Fijalkow. In 2021 he joined the Max Planck Institut in Kaiserslautern for a PhD under Rupak Majumdar and Anne-Kathrin Schmuck.
May 1 to July 27 2018. Ritam Raha (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI, under the joint supervision of Nathanaël Fijalkow and Vincent Penelle. He studied the algorithmic properties of finitely ambiguous weighted automata. In 2019, Ritam started a PhD in cotutelle between Universiteit Antwerpen and Université de Bordeaux, under the joint direction of Guillermo Perez and Nathanaël Fijalkow (LaBRI). He defended his PhD in August 2023.
January 1 to April 30 2018. Varun Ramanathan (CMI) did his MSc internship at LaBRI, under the joint supervision of Diego Figueira and Pascal Weil. He worked on synchronous relations, a particular way of looking at transducers, and a logical framework to handle them. Varun returned to Université de Bordeaux in 2018 to start a PhD under the joint direction of Pascal Weil and Diego Figueira. After his defense in May 2022, he joined the company Indexnine in Pune.
January 1 to June 15 2018. Archit Chauhan (CMI) did his MSc internship at CMI, under the joint supervision of Alain Finkel and M. Praveen. He worked on Verifying flat FIFO systems through counter systems. We showed how to associate a reversal-bounded counter system to a flat FIFO system, opening the way to verifying FIFO systems by using the existing verification tools for counter systems. Archit started a PhD in 2018 at CMI, under the supervision of Samir Datta.
May 2017 to July 2017, Nisarg Patel (CMI) was intern at IRIF, under the supervision of Ahmed Bouajjani and Constantin Enea. His work addressed the issues of modeling and verifying asynchronous web applications. More… After his internship, Nisarg Patel pursued work on this topic with his advisors, together with Madhavan Mukund (CMI), and completed his M.Sc. from CMI in 2018. He started a PhD with Thomas Wies at New York University in 2018.
May 16 to July 19 2017. Ritam Raha (CMI) had an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under Philippe Schnoebelen‘s supervision. He studied the piecewise testable complexity of words and its algorithmic evaluation. More… Ritam later had internships at LaBRI and at IRISA. In 2019, Ritam started a PhD in cotutelle between Universiteit Antwerpen and Université de Bordeaux, under the joint direction of Guillermo Perez and Nathanaël Fijalkow (LaBRI). He defended his PhD in August 2023.
May 15 to July 28, 2017. Debraj Chakraborty (CMI) had an internship at LaBRI, Bordeaux, under the supervision of Hugo Gimbert. He worked on asynchronous distributed games with causal memory. More… Debraj started a PhD in 2018 at Université Libre de Bruxelles, under the supervision of Jean-François Raskin. After his defense (December 2022), he joined Masaryk University (Brno) as a post-doc, to work with Jan Krzetinsky.
May 11 to July 13, 2017. Umesh Kumar (IIT Bombay) had an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under Paul Gastin‘s supervision. He studied the robustness of timed automata in topological semantics and various subclasses of updatable timed automata. More…
May 10 to July 14, 2017. Kunal Mittal (IIT Bombay) had an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under Alain Finkel‘s supervision. He studied well-structured transition systems, and particularly Petri Nets and their extensions with special reset arcs. More… In September 2019, he will join Princeton University for a PhD, where he works under Ran Raz.
May 9 to July 13, 2017. Aalok Thakkar (CMI) had an internship at LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, under Stefan Haar‘s supervision. He worked on the semantics of mutation dynamics. More… Aalok joined the University of Pennsylvania in 2018 to prepare a PhD under the direction of Rajiv Alur and Mayur Naik. After his graduation in 2023, he joined the Computer Science Department of Ashoka University.
May 2 to July 13, 2017. Thejaswini K S (CMI) worked at LaBRI, Bordeaux, under the supervision of Frédéric Herbreteau and Igor Walukiewicz on on-the-fly algorithms for reachability and safety games. More… She went on to do a PhD (September 2019) at Warwick University, under the supervision of Marcin Jurdzinski.
May 2 to July 13, 2017. Balasubramanian A.R. (CMI) worked under the supervision of Nathalie Bertrand and Nicolas Markey at IRISA, in the research team SUMO, on the verification of parametric-size networks of identical components broadcasting messages to their neighbors. More… He later did his MSc thesis at LaBRI, Bordeaux and went on in 2019 to do a PhD at TU München under the supervision of Javier Esparza.
February 01 to May 15, 2017. Adithya Murali (BITS Pilani, Hyderabad) had an internship at LaBRI, Bordeaux, under the supervision of Géraud Sénizergues. He worked on the small category of deterministic matrices. More… In 2019, Adithya joined the PhD program at UIUC.